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Bebecar EasymaxiBase Isofix RX-I

The Easymaxi XL-i infant car seat can be fitted into a vehicle using the standard seat belts. However, to make fitting faster and easier, you can choose an EasymaxiBase Isofix RX-i, which remains fitted in the vehicle using the ISOFIX system.


Bebecar Easymaxi LF Car Seat

LF infant car seat has a new system that allows the seat backrest to be reclined to the lie-flat position. The Easymaxi LF car seat is comfortable to carry and the handle can be folded backwards for easy access to your baby.


Bebecar Easymaxi XL-I Car Seat

The Easymaxi XL-i sets a new standard in safety and comfort for your baby, meeting i-Size compliance requirements while offering additional features for convenience and peace of mind. Here are some key highlights:


Bebecar Easymaxi Base Isofix LF for Car Seat

The Bebecar Easymaxi Base Isofix LF is designed to make the installation of compatible infant car seats easier and more secure in vehicles equipped with Isofix anchor points. The base remains fixed in the vehicle, providing a convenient platform for quickly attaching and detaching the car seat.


Bebecar Radios i-Size Car Seat

The seat can be used forward-facing once your child measures between 76 and 150 cm (approx. 9-36 kg). Although Bébécar recommends delaying the use of this second position up to 105 cm (approx. 18 kg) if possible.  With Radios your baby can travel in the rear-facing position up to 105 cm (approx. 18 kg). The seat can be reclined in five positions.