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Was £132.00
Save £38.00

Nuby UV Portable Bottle Steriliser

Prepare to be wowed by the power of UV.  This NEW Portable UV Steriliser uses ultraviolet light to sterilise your bottles and other baby items in just 3 mins with no water, microwave, chemicals, cooling time or drying! Mind…blown! 


Nuby Breastfeeding Milk Storage Bags

Store & freeze every drop of your precious breast milk with this box of 25 zip-lock storage bags that are leak-proof, pre-sterilised & self standing.  

RRP £100.00
Save £20.00

Nuby UV Benchtop Baby Bottle Steriliser

Prepare to be wowed by the power of UV. The UV Steriliser uses ultraviolet light to sterilise your bottles and other baby items in just 3 minutes with no water, microwave, chemicals, cooling time or drying! Mind…blown! 


Nuby UV Portable Steriliser Pod

Meet our mini Portable UV Steriliser which has won an award for innovation of the year!  It zaps bacteria away without water, microwaves or chemicals, sterilising your dummies in only 1 minute! A game changing must-have solution you can pop in your bag or fasten to your pushchair.


Boon CLUTCH Dishwasher Basket


A dishwasher basket that holds everything? Your everyday purse can’t even do that. This CLUTCH goes from day to evening and has only one opening, which means no more balancing acts to get it shut and keep everything in place. 


A way to sterilise 4 bottles in 4 mins? Yes please…especially when all you need for this little device to get to work is some water & a microwave! BINGO!